
Weather & webcams in Saalbach Hinterglemm, Austria

Get a live Impression of Saalbach-Hinterglemm and see the Snow and Weather, flood-lit slope and Eggers Wellness Bathing Oasis. The cam is situated 1.100 metres above sealevel.

With our in-house webcam you can get various impressions of our outdoor pools or the weather situation and the snow conditions. Take a look at Saalbach-Hinterglemm’s unique floodlit piste directly next to the hotel and observe our guests enjoying – in the middle of a snowy landscape in the steaming winter relaxation pool with fibre optic lighting – a wonderful bathe in the whirlpool tub with underwater massage jets, champagne air bubble vent and in-built relaxing lounge seats.

In summer, the webcam provides you with a view onto the infant’s pool and the summer pool with its numerous water attractions such as the water mushroom fountain, waterfall shower, tower slide for the little ones, rainbow slide for the older children and daring adults, the dolphin, the children’s boat and water trampoline. Discover also the wonderful natural landscape of this alpine paradise surrounding the hotel!

Livestream Saalbach

Livestream Hinterglemm

Livestream Schattberg West
